ADA: Clinical Diabetes — Diabetes Doodles

ADA: Clinical Diabetes

Written by Helen Liu
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There are numerous books and websites designed to help adults manage their diabetes, but there are far fewer options (such as stories, cartoons, and multimedia publications or programs) aimed at children. Open Up Your Bag by Mike Lawson ventures to fill that gap.

This colorful picture book is designed to help children with diabetes develop and remember their care routines. Although it is designed for children with type 1 diabetes, it could be helpful for young people with type 2 diabetes as well. The artwork is friendly and features smiling animals that could reduce readers’ anxiety around diabetes. Lawson’s purposeful use of colors makes the characters pop off each page. The book presents the idea that life with diabetes can be joyful and positive.

A final positive element is the book’s inclusion of diversity. In one scene, we see a poster showing Spanish words in a character’s home, and a variety of ages and both sexes are represented throughout. These touches make the book more relatable to diverse readers.