About Us — Diabetes Doodles

Ever since he was a young person, Mike Lawson wasted a lot of paper and ink on little drawings of people and animals. Most of them were thrown away. Mike lives with type 1 diabetes. He uses daily injections via an insulin pen (Humalog and Lantus) to regulate his glucose levels.

In 2012 Mike was hired at the Diabetes Hands Foundation where he worked for five years as the Senior Director of Programs and Marketing. Many of Mike's diabetes doodles were used there to promote programs like The Big Blue Test, and the online communities TuDiabetes and EsTuDiabetes.

Mike now works for a theater production company in San Francisco. He continues to use his voice as a person with diabetes in the #insulin4all movement - a web-based, grassroots effort to help make insulin more affordable and accessible for everyone. He has illustrated 3 books for children with diabetes (OPEN UP YOUR BAG, WHEN I GO LOW, and AIN’T GONNA HIDE MY T1D! well as an illustrated storybook for adults (THIRTY EIGHT).


Ginger Vieira's pancreas started misbehaving when she was 13 years old in 1999...over 20 years ago! Type 1 diabetes eventually convinced celiac disease to come on board the year after that. The pair have been keeping Ginger on her toes ever since. (Oh, and a bit-o-fibromyalgia joined the team a few years ago, too.)

First known in the diabetes community for silly diabetes vlogs and her passion for powerlifting and yoga, Ginger has a B.S. in professional writing along with certifications in coaching, personal training, Ashtanga yoga, and making homemade meatballs.

Today, she is the author of several books, including Pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes, Dealing with Diabetes Burnout, Emotional Eating with Diabetes, and Your Diabetes Science Experiment. She also creates content regularly for DiabetesMine, Diabetes Strong, Diathrive, Omnipod, and many more!